How do I stop cats pooing on my garden?

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Cats can be quite particular about where they eliminate, and unfortunately, sometimes our gardens become their toilet. Here are some strategies to deter them:

Make it Unpleasant for Cats:

  • Scents: Cats dislike strong smells. Scatter citrus peels, coffee grounds, or commercially available cat repellents around your garden (be sure they are safe for plants and pets).
  • Textural Dislikes: Cats prefer soft digging surfaces. Cover areas they frequent with chicken wire, gravel, or mulch made from prickly holly or pinecones.
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Remove Attractants:

  • Clean Up: Remove any existing cat waste immediately. The smell can attract other cats.
  • Do not Feed Them: Avoid leaving out food or scraps that might entice cats into your garden.

Provide Alternatives:

  • Cat-Friendly Zone: Create a designated digging area with cat-friendly litter like shredded paper or wood shavings. This gives them an acceptable toileting spot.
  • Outdoor Litter Box: Place a covered litter box in a secluded part of the garden, filled with familiar litter. Keep it clean to encourage use.

Other Deterrents:

  • Motion-Activated Sprinklers: These can be startling and discourage cats from lingering.
  • Ultrasonic Deterrents: These emit high-frequency sounds that cats dislike but are inaudible to humans.
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Be Patient:

  • It may take some time to find what works for your specific situation. Be consistent with your approach and avoid using harmful deterrents.
Silent Roar Cat Repellent Natural Pellets 500g
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If you suspect an underlying medical reason of your cat's toileting habits, consult a veterinarian.